New website launched! July 12, 2015 21:29
We are excited to announce our newly designed website! Our main goal was to build a user-friendly site that makes it easy to find what you are looking for, place orders, as well as save account information for customers who order frequently. If you have any questions or feedback about the new site, we would love to hear from you!Watering takes love June 8, 2012 00:00
Some pictures from our garden.
Going out every day to water the garden takes love... My parents used to do it and recently I've taken over the task. It takes time, patience, discipline, and isn't exactly always the most exciting thing to do. But these last few weeks I've seen the joy of reaping what you sow.
Especially during times when the flowers are not in bloom, it's difficult to see the blessing in going out to water the garden and that taking a considerable chunk of the morning. But when it finally blooms and the flowers show its beauty, it's such a sight to see. :-)
Happy gardening from Greetings of Grace.
New Year February 6, 2012 13:31
What a busy year 2011 has been! It's getting harder to keep up with our blog and on our social media sites but rest assured, our team has been busier than ever coming out with new products and new, exciting changes to Greetings of Grace.As always, we strive to give the best customer service we can while keeping our prices as competitive as possible.
Hopefully in the upcoming months, we'll be able to get some new flowers in (maybe some pressed flower stickers if people want them!) In the meantime though, what we are still VERY excited about is our Sendgreetingsofgrace site. Our very own pressed flower cards made to order. Our sister company actually started last summer but we have not been able to market/grow sendgreetingsofgrace simply because of some other responsibilities we had in 2011.
For 2012, we hope to bring our cards to life.
Thanks again to all our loyal customers and also our newest customers for allowing us to do what we are passionate in doing while providing for your pressed flower needs.
Spring is here! March 11, 2011 12:34
The weather outside these last few weeks have been absolutely gorgeous! Yesterday I just went out to garden/plant new flowers (hopefully I can get some pictures up for you all to see).Spring has always been my favorite season as it begins to warm up just enough to enjoy working in the yard for several hours at a time. Not only that, but being able to spend time with your loved ones in under the warm sun and cool breeze is also a wonderful thing.
Until next time, hope you are all enjoying the weather too!
Special Spring Discount (Limited Time Only until the end of March): Use coupon code GOGSPRING to take 15% off your order!
New cards at GOG! February 11, 2011 18:48
This month we are featuring some of our own hand crafted cards using our own pressed flowers! It has always been a passion to create art and gifts using what nature has so blessed us with. I remember several years ago traveling to flea markets and trade shows all around Texas to sell framed art I made. Eventually, the traveling became too much for the four kids to deal with on their own so I brought the showcase to my home!Who would have known years later, my kids (now all grown up) would eventually help me setup a website and thus form the beginning of Greetings of Grace?
Now that things are setup and running (with much help from the kids), I have the ability to make artwork and special gifts for friends and family -- including these cards!
Hope you can pick one up for yourself or give one to someone else who could use a little encouraging through the beauty of pressed flowers :-)
Winter Season at GOG December 13, 2010 15:04
Hard to believe how quickly time has passed! In the spirit of the holidays, we're reminded every season the blessing of what we have - our families, our homes, our passion, and of course the beauty flowers bring to us. Every season is a new opportunity and a new chance for blooming. That's our philosophy here at Greetings of Grace.We hope to begin posting more regularly while offering special bonuses you can find on our blog to go with your order.
Here you will find out what's going on with us, updates on new flowers and sale items, and special bonuses for free flowers to go with your order.
Have a safe and happy holiday everyone!
Summer Update June 17, 2010 09:08
The weather has definitely been heating up here in Texas as we enter the first few weeks of June! I'm excited for the new blooms this summer. This summer I'm growing Hydrangeas, roses, violas, and an assortment of greens in my yard. Although the sun is plentiful, we haven't seen the rain in a while so just as a reminder - water your gardens, feed your plants!! I'm sure those who are avid gardeners would not even have to think about that. But I do remember the days when I was a passive gardener and I would for weeks forget to water my lawn... I would suddenly remember one morning, go outside, and see my poor flowers pale and dead.In any case, we will be hoping to introduce new products and flowers for greetings of grace. There are many BIG updates coming up. We have our webmaster and designer working hard the last couple weeks to come up with a new layout for the site.
Hopefully this will allow our site to be more interactive and user-friendly to showcase some of our specials & promotions.
Until then, Happy pressing!
2010 Already?! February 12, 2010 09:08
Lots of new stuff going on at greetingsofgrace!This year we hope to continue in not only expanding our product line, but also some of the other aspects of our website that our loyal customers have found helpful in. First, we're planning to post new articles that readers may find helpful in their work with pressed flowers. I think there are lots of great resources out there but at the same time we find that some topics have not been answered entirely. So our hope is to publish helpful articles that cover some of the topics like "How pressed flowers are dyed" or "The Different flowers available."
Second, we want to continue and expand our artists' corner. This is something we really enjoy doing -- posting the beautiful works of pressed flower artists all around the world! Not only does this encourage our other readers but it also inspires us! So look for a contest coming up in the Spring :P
Finally, there are some other changes too big to share on this post. But hopefully I'll be able to keep it a secret until we launch!
Til then, happy pressing!
Pressed Flowers in Japan November 19, 2009 09:02
What an interesting video! So many creative artists out there --Fall is Finally Here! October 9, 2009 05:15
I love the cold weather! It gets me ready for the holidays because Thanksgiving and Christmas just doesn't feel right when it's not cold outside!I also love the holiday season because it gives me a chance to make special gifts for friends & families who are in-town or out-of-town.
Last year, I was able to make several framed pressed flower art for not only friends but friends who wanted to give their friends something special. All-in-all 2008 was a very busy season so this year I'm already beginning to prepare.
Some things I like to do to prepare for the holidays:
1. Stock up on supplies.
2. Shop early!
3. Begin planning/creating design ideas in my head.
4. Create a list of friends whom I need to get in contact with.
5. Bring out the warm clothes!
Ever since my oldest daughter got married and left home, each year seems to be more and more valuable to me as I start thinking about when the others will leave home soon to begin a life of their own. Until then though, I still have three more to cherish and well...cook turkey for!
My Story with Pressed Flowers September 28, 2009 16:36
Many people have asked me how I first started getting into the art of pressed flowers. If you haven't read "Our Story", it talks more in-depth of how I got into this. You can read it here --
But basically how I got started into doing pressed flowers is because of my autistic daughter, Gloria. After she came home from the Children's Hospital from a life-endangering incident, I quit my corporate job to take care of family. When I stopped being a realtor to take care of my daughter at home, I suddenly found that I had lots of time on my hands. Around that time, I was also introduced by a friend to the world of flowers being dried and pressed to be used on framed arts, crafts, cards, etc.
I share this part of the story with you all because lately I've found that a lot of people share a very similar story with mine. Some have gone through a tragedy, some have found a lot more time at home, and some were just introduced to this wonderful work of art. But whatever the story, I find the beauty of this art is one that is comforting beyond words.
For me, it comforted me in my times of distress and struggles with my daughter. I would add bible verses to it and just hang them around the house. When people started showing great interest in these frames I had made, I started making them for friends & family. And from there, that's how it eventually became our home business.
That's my story of how I got started into this. What's YOUR story?
Hello! September 27, 2009 17:47
Hello world!My son convinced me to make a blog so I can share some of the things that are going on in my own life with pressed flowers, family, and just anything that's happening! Of course, I'm making him edit some of my posts for me too since my English is not always the best.
I hope to share some of my work of art with you all. And I look forward to enjoying the work of many others out there as well.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!